Monday, May 7


I turned around and found the youngest munchkin perched in the back of this truck. I grabbed my camera and snapped a picture shortly before she fell out. But she sat there for a long time, perched all precariously and very proud of herself. I don't know how she got up there in the first place.

This is how I feel like my life has been. Hanging somewhere between sitting in the truck, and falling on my face. I've fallen several times already. I took the weekend off all of my artistic endeavors because I was so tired. It was nice to rest. I did get some strawberry jam made.

It's lovely and delicious, but it didn't set up very well because I didn't let it cook long enough. I also was using powdered pectin, and my results are always variable with powdered pectin. I contemplated using a couple of lemon peels instead. I might do that next time. Do you think strawberry would taste all right with a hint of lemon?

Life goes on, and God is good. I wish I trusted Him enough to not worry. I feel like worry is a constant illness I hold at bay by not thinking about it.


William said...

That baby is the master of crawling acrobatics. I feel like she gets that from our side of the family (what with the tree climbing we were so fond of).

Farm Girl said...

I think that is a scary picture. How in in the world did she even get up there in the first place.
God knows the number of the hairs on your head. He knows when a sparrow falls. Are you not more valuable than them?
Doesn't He gently lead those with young?
Is anything impossible with God?
Has He ever failed you?
He is God and in Him there is no darkness at all.
"He who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him."
John 14:21
God gave you a baby for such times as these. As she rests when she is in your arms, so should you be, resting, waiting and watching.
Gods ways are not our ways.
His thoughts higher than our thoughts.
You will be okay.


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