Wednesday, January 4

Chats in the new year

Since I need to blog, and I have no idea what in the world to write about, it's time for a meme! Thanks, Patrice!

What's your favorite kind of tree?

This question is a little ambiguous. If we're talking Christmas trees, then mine is blue spruce, because they have those nice, skinny branches to hang ornaments on.

For other kinds of trees, I like the various ash trees because they're nice to climb in. Oaks look neat, but they take too long to grow. I'm also growing fond of magnolias despite their mess, because of their semi-fuzzy leaves and those ginormous flowers.

How did you celebrate the New Year?

I told the kids they could stay up until midnight, if they could. The baby and 2 year old went to bed at 8. I played games with the 4 year old until 10, when I had to crash. He only made it to about 10:30. Morale drops when Mom's not around.

Do you have any family traditions for the New Year?

Not really. New Year is the no-show holiday after Christmas. Oh, wait, I guess we do have a tradition. No driving anywhere New Year's Even starting about noon. The drunk drivers are frightening.

I'm so glad I____________ in 2011.

Had kid #3!

Did you have a nickname as a child?

Not really. My self-given nickname of NetRaptor was how I went on the internet, though, and I'm still just as comfortable being called "NR" as I am my real name.

Here's a blurry picture of me that the kids snapped. As you can see, this is how I pass my time.


Farm Girl said...

Yep that is how you pass your time. The kids snapped it that is so funny.

Cathy Kennedy said...

We always included our small kiddos in the New Year's Eve celebration. We would stay up til midnight ringing in the New Year. Sometimes they made and others time they didn't, but that's okay. It was always nice having them in the livingroom with us. =D

Patrice said...

I think staying off the road on New Years is an excellent idea. There are way too many drunks out there when people party. I like the picture. It looks peaceful!


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